Livestock feed markets across agro-ecological zones of Burkina Faso: feed provenance, price and quality



Livestock form a major means of livelihood in Burkina Faso where almost 80% the rural population keep sheep and goats. However, constraint to livestock productivity is seasonal feed scarcity. To bridge increasing gap, particularly dry season, keepers are increasingly turning purchase feeds from markets, which has led emergence markets peri-urban towns cities Sahel. characterize dynamics these inform guide development efficient feeding systems production, we conducted surveys four across all agro-ecological zones. Results this study showed that types on sale included browse, bush hay, bran maize, millet, sorghum, rice wheat, legume residues, cereal straw agro-industrial by-products such as cottonseed cake concentrate for ruminants. The average number sold per vendor ranged 1.5 ± 0.1 early season 3.5 0.4 late season. More than sellers each location reported generation additional income household was principal reason sale. price at different locations varied significantly with market type. Cottonseed had highest crude protein content seasons ranging an 16.3 31.9% while (millet, maize sorghum straw) lowest 3.5%. results also lack clear trend terms relationship between nutritional quality confirms absence standardization our sites. In developing industry region, issue needs be addressed facilitate establishment nutritive value-based pricing ensure consumers pay premium products.

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عنوان ژورنال: Frontiers in animal science

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['2673-6225']